
Notifications made simple

Beta available soon


What is Pushtastic

and why?

How to easily get smart home notifications to the mobile devices of my household, colleagues and me? Well... half a year and some sleepless nights later the result is this app. It is intended to offer the simplest way to integrate all you smart home and other message-producing sources into one central app with a clean and native user experience using the latest system notification features. Since we do this for fun and not for profit, your feedback and support is always highly appreciated!


What it can do

Multi-User First Notifications are organized in groups. You can invite people to your groups and share the notifications. Just like with other messenger apps, the creator of the group maintains the members.

Stays Organized Notifications will expire based on their priority or an explicit expiry date. Thus your notification list will stay clean and clutter will be prevented. Priorities are also used to highlight important notifications in the app.

Free You can send up to 500 notifications per group per month for free. Nobody likes ads, this is why Pushtastic does not use them. We keep everything free and minimize our infrastructure cost by imposing some limitations. Your privacy is valued, no data is sold to third parties. The project is financed by tips and our own money as long as possible but we might offer subscriptions to increase the limits in the future.

Simple API

Invoke from where GET or POST is available


curl --get\
--data-urlencode "group=myGroup"\
--data-urlencode "token=myToken"\
--data-urlencode "title=Hello 🌎"\


Get the complete api definition and unlock the full potential for your use case. Import the definition into Postman to generate code for your client.

Shortcut App

Import the shortcut on your phone, tablet or laptop and create powerful automations.